Panic! at the Disco… Say Amen

*WARNING* The video could be a trigger for those who cannot do gore!

(like my best friend)

I don’t know about anyone else but I love Brendon Urie. I have been listening to them since I wrote sins came out back when I was in middle school. I love how their sound changes with every album. So when Brendon kept dropping hints on his instagram about something big coming… I was excited. Everytime my notification popped up that he posted something new… I was there watching. Its so bad that I already preordered the album.

In March.

And album that doesn’t come out til June.

I mean that is way too long to wait. But I did anyway and I ordered a PATD hoodie too because who doesn’t A.) love hoodies and B.) love band merch.

He also released the dates of his upcoming tour. But unfortunately, they will be here one day before I have to go to Charlotte for the Warped and thats just too much driving because both places are about an hour to 2 hour drive from my home and its a lot of money to be spending on concerts ;(

So when I found out he had a music video out for Say Amen (Saturday night) I knew that I had to go ahead and watch it. But I didn’t decide to write a review about it til about the 100th time of watching it because I couldn’t really critique it in a bad manner because I was so in awe. PATD has out done themselves again. Brendon is pure genius. and oh so talented.

Ok so when I preordered the album I got 2 songs free which are Say amen and F*$# a silver lining. I had kids in the car so I couldn’t listen to the one with profanity in almost every stanza. So I listened to say amen almost the whole way home. And when he hit that high note…..I couldn’t help but say ‘damn’ it was so beautiful and pure and amazing. This beautiful man has some amazing chops.

So here we go.

The video opens up with a breaking news story that this ancient artifact, known as the devils key, has been stolen. And this key is worth so much. And I think the name of the key has something to do with why he turns into the demonic person in a prior song….Emporer new clothes…

So we go from seeing the news to just hearing in the background of this house while these men, in all black and ski masks, break into this house. They’re all waking towards this door where there is water running. The water stops. The door opens. And out comes Brendon (eep) and he is unphased that these guys are here.

Literally. Not even a flinch. Instead he texts his ‘girlfriend’ that he’ll need 30 minutes before she can come.

Now this seems like it’ll have a cool little fight sequence. PG maybe PG13. There isn’t anything really gory in music videos.

Well, obviously Brendon Urie has had conversations with Quentin Tarantino because what I thought would be a simple choregraphed but not anything too bloody dance fight turned into a scene out of Kill Bill. I mean someone gets a sword stuck in their skull. he cuts someone’s hand off and slams another guys head into the butcher knife. It is crazy. I mean they explored a lot of different ways to kill someone.

It is straight gore.

Ok so they’re dead.

and the doorbell rings

its the girlfriend.

And they get hot and heavy pretty fast.

Really fast.

But how is the dead people not affecting their uhm foreplay?

But then Brendon starts taking his shirt off and the girl see’s the key.

She wants it.

And she kicks Brendon in the balls right as he hits the high note

as in this is why his voice goes so high which is pretty funny.

But she starts to punch him and her form is so flipping wrong it looks so bad. but then she hits him with a bat.

And stills the key

as he is laying down on the ground dying. You hear the sirens in the back ground and at the end you hear the heartbeat.

The same heart beat that is at the beginning of This Is Gospel.

Okay I know I should have probably reviewed the lyrics but the video was just so amazing.

so heres the link for the video Maybe I’ll do the lyrics next if ya’ll want.

Say Amen

@FallOutBoy #FOBMania album review

The first song is Young and Menance I think this is a wonderful way to start off a cd. When the video first came out I remember thinking HOLY$#^* there is a new FOB song and its just so different.

I also loved the part where it said “Oops I did it again….. I only wrote this down to make you press rewind” Now I am a 90’s baby and I remember the Spears era when Oops I did it again was very popular. This little tid bit in the song made me giggle and it is just so FOB to have that.

I really enjoy this song. When we went to the concert, they handed out these little purple pieces of paper that when they played Young and Menance they asked us to put the paper over our phone’s flashlights to show our support. and honestly…. I don’t think FOB will ever lose my support they are a great band.

The next song is Champion and goodness I love this song. I mean I love it so much that I have cried. Serious big yucky tears. Yes FOB you are BACK with a madness and I know I am more than excited. I actually wish you’d come back already just so I can see you again. I adore Pete Wentz and if I ever met him…. I probably would have a heart attack.

What does this song mean to me? Why do I cry? I have anxiety disorder. I overthink a lot. I’m empathetic. I’m emotional. And I haven’t had the ideal childhood. I have felt like I was manipulated, emotionally abused, verbally abused, sexually abused. And this song. “If I can live thru this. I can do anything” Thank you FOB. I needed this song. More than you could ever know. I can do anything. and when I feel like I can’t… I listen to this song to remind myself.

The third song on the track is Stay Frosty Royal Milk Tea, this song starts off with such a strong bass beat and is just so in your face loud. Thank you Pete Wentz for blessing my eardrums.

I love the “I’m fixing to go Tonya Harding on the whole world’s knee” It shows again the humour that FOB has and the way that they can insert little tidbits into their songs considering that the I, Tonya was released recently and well she has been back in the news. and get this.. claiming she’s the victim. Instead of you know the one who actually got hit.

If I wasn’t sitting down writing this… I would probably be up bouncing around like a fool. The beat is just that good. I adore it.

And well you cannot leave out the fact that Patrick sings in French. I wasn’t ready for it. I did a double take. Listened a handful of times. I mean come on….when you look at the title you think that it is going to be that sad song on the album but boy was I soooo wrong and I don’t think that I have ever been more pleased that I was wrong haha. I hope that they do the music video during the French Revolution. Actually, FOB should really do a video for every song on this album . That is just how good this album is. They really set the bar high for every other album that comes out this year.

The next song is Hold Me Close or Dont

Again.. their genius. I am so dead. Like the clown in spawn says D-E-D dead. They are so flipping talented. However, I remember that this came out in Novemember. I was in the parking lot of Zaxby’s while my husband went in to order because I was having just an anxious day. I couldn’t cope with anything. I just knew something was wrong (Turns out the next day we found out my dad had died.) (don’t you just love intuition) Then I saw a notification that FOB had a new video… yea I get notifications that is how obsessed I am. The first viewing of the video I couldn’t tell if i loved it or not. I did however love the video. The Hispanic culture that was so present Dia de los muertos (if i mispelled that please don’t kill me) I love the hispanic culture. I loved the video it was so artistic. The second time. I tried not to watch the video… it is actually really hard not to I mean have you seen it??? Its damn gorgeous. And what did I find. That the music is beautiful. You can dance to it. The lyrics are genius and well Pete Wentz is there so.

Way to go FOB you are again killing me with your musical talents. and I love it.

The next song is The Last Of The Real Ones

Again, another song that the beat is completely different than the rest of the song. When they announce that they were going to be pushing the release date back… I was upset. But they wanted to provide the fans with the best work they possibly could and boy did they deliver. Sorry for being so mad guys 🙂

I might be a little behind. which honestly I usually am. But I don’t get the whole Llama thing. Is it always Brendon Urie? When will he release the new PATD album?

BTW the video can be kind of confusing and I think I read somewhere that it is a parody of another song. But still. It is really good.

Track #6 is Wilson (expensive Mistakes) I remember when I first really heard this was at the concert and they were above the audience which was really cool.

Don’t we always make expensive mistakes? It’s either I can live on $5 til payday or I blow a whole paycheck at once.

There is a lyric that says “I’ll stop wearing black when they make a darker color” I actually stole my husbands shirt that says this and I wear it to bed. haha. This is a pretty good song. I mean there are some lyrics that I really like. There isn’t really too much that I can say bad about the song. The video is different. Although you know buying Pete Went wouldn’t be a bad idea. Im just joking.

The next song is Church and I know honestly…. I was NOT expecting this song at all. nope. not one bit.

The choir singing in the background really gives this song a nice push. However, whats with Patrick wearing the guitar so high in the video? that I think is my only complaint about the entire album. Not song. The entire album. I told you guys I love this album. I cannot believe I have to wait like a week for it to come in the mail. Patrick’s vocals are something else. They are out of this world. I think they just keep gettin better.

Which brings us to the next song Heaven’s Gate.

Holy $#^* I was not ready for the Soul of Patricks voice. I mean it just opens up the song and you’re like WHATTTTT??? My husband actually asked me who it was because it is so different from what we usually hear from fall out boy. This entire song was beautiful.

The next song on the a Sunshine Riptide

Why do I get the feeling that Pete had something to do with this song being on the album? As apart of that Rap Rock and Roll that Jaden Smith was talking about as the opening act to the opening act. Yeah it was Jaden Smith (not a fan really) then BlackBear (adore him thank you FOB for having him on your tour and introducing me to him) then FOB. The concert was amazing

So there is a little bit of Reggae in this song. As a huge fan of reggae, I appreciate this little bit of a song. This whole album is screaming freedom. They never conform to what a label wants them to sound like.

This song has given me a sunburn. thats how great it is.

The next song is called Bishops Knife Trick it is the final song of the album and it is pure beauty. it is an ear-gasim.

This whole album. they just pushed every single button every sing boundary to put out an album that they could be proud of. And as a huge fan. I couldn’t be more honored that that theyey put so much dedication into a single album.

Here are some other thoughts. Weell I wish Pete would go back to his screamo that was awesome but that is like many many many albums ago. If you are a new listener then you might want to look up Saturday by FOB to see what I am talking about. I wish that it was more than 10 songs. Either way. This is really pushing the bar for all of the other albums out there that are comin out this year. FOB is making the competition this year very steep. I hope the other bands can keep up (doubt it tho)

If you haven’t heard the album yet…. I strongly suggest you go listen.

(*on a side note. My local Wal-Mart didn’t have the FOB new CD… I was mad. So instead of looking it up on their website.. I went to the FOB website and ordered it there. Why should Wal-mart online get any of my money for this CD when they can’t even carry it in the store.)

Thank you for reading my review 🙂


I know that I said that I would write recaps or reviews on the shows that I enjoy…

But sleep.

I have been trying to get myself to sleep better and sometimes that means missing smackdown or raw.

however, if you would like a review of tonight’s episode of Smackdown Live…let me know.

The Road by Eliot B

It is not often that you find underground musical artists not on youtube. That is where I usually go to find my music. And I am kind of behind on new music. Like I just found out about BlackBear and I am totally obsessed with Do Re Mi…If you haven’t listened to it…Then you really should.

Now I am really picky when it comes to music. I mean really nit picky. Like overly picky.  And Eliot…if you’re reading this. I am sorry if I hurt your feelings at all. It is not my intentions to hurt anyone’s feelings, I am just that honest. I do hope you can take any of my criticisms for what they’re worth and move forward…. I never want to hinder someones dreams.


Now lets begin….

The song is only 2 minutes long. Which is a nice length for a starter. A lot of songs are 2  and a half mins to 3 mins.

I think you have a wonderful voice. My only thing is that you can hear the echo of maybe using a home system to record it.  I would work on the opening, the first two lines. The control of your vocals could use a little tweaking. you do great and then it sounds like you’re struggling.

The guitar sounds fabulous. I really enjoy an acoustic song. You have a young Billie Joe Armstrong thing going for you. The only thing that I can suggest is working on your vocal control. and maybe a different system so that there isn’t any echos.


Thank you for allowing me to review your song. For anyone else who wants to give it a listen the link is


Total Divas Season Premiere

So it is the new season of Total Divas. I know a lot of people bash this show, but I quite enjoy it. This season we are adding Alexa Bliss, Nia Jax and Carmella to the already big cast.


So Nattie is wearing one of those bra’s that are everywhere on Facebook… and she doesn’t like it??? Well that just proves to me why they’re no good. Not just that. I mean I didn’t think they looked comfortable to begin with.

I love how they integrate the actual matches into the show as well as their personal lives. I also love hearing how they feel. Its like a vlog in the form of reality television show.

By the way… I thought that the First ever women’s money in the bank ladder match was awful. I mean a man winning the match just set the revolution behind so far in my point of view. I was livid watching it. Very livid.

I It is so sweet to see that Trinity and her husband have a nice big house. I remember in the earlier seasons where she was in an apartment. Her husband and his brother are hilarious. They play too much. And it is always funny.

Come on Uso say spa-ghe-ti again. haha. Trinity and John (Jimmy) are hilarious trying to decide who’s championship is better. Hilarious.

I love how they show Brie and Birdie. Amazing. Considering that last week we saw the birth of Birdie and now we get to see her bigger…and she looks just like Bryan (Daniel Bryan) And they’re also showing a flashback to Nikki’s engagement. Which was amazing.

Nikki being Daniels assistant for Smackdown GM would have been quite amazing. I don’t know why they didn’t pitch that. I think it would have been awesome. However, I do understand how the WWE fanbase would have been super ticked because they already believe that Nikki is only where she is because of John….. I hate to break it to you guys…. Nikki is a hard worker and got where she is because of herself.

They show Maryse… and talk about her for what 5 seconds about how they moved from Smackdown to Raw… Then they go to Alexa Bliss and Nia Jax.

Uhm Nia, I am pretty sure that everyone knows that you are the Rock’s cousin. By the way, all of us plus size women are excited for you to represent us. How come Nia never talks about how the Uso’s and Roman are related to her and the Rock as well? I mean they never talk about how the Uso’s are related to the Rock. I mean the Uso’s dad Rakishi talked about how he was related to the Rock. I don’t like how they don’t just say who they’re all related to. come on now.

After commercial break we’re back to John and Trinity going on a history lesson trip. I wish I had Jon’s hair. That wind in his hair. It’s pretty hot.

We are now watching Lana and Rusev in the car talking about her legs that are going to be as big as his? These couples have the most interesting conversations. It is pretty awesome to see Nikki and Nattie help Lana try to get better in the ring.  It is nice to see some teamwork. Although, Lana’s bumps are cringe worthy. I do understand where Lana is coming from tho. Rusev is getting kind of annoying dictating how she’s doing.

I am afraid of heights too Nattie. You’re not alone. I wouldn’t have even attempted to go on that ladder. Not even for one second. I don’t care how much they pay me. However, I think her cat is going to scratch her if she keeps antagonizing him. 2paws or something.

Nattie is trying to find a ladder so that she can get familiar with it before her match. and her mom jumped on top of the car to put the ladder on top. That was quite hilarious. Especially since I have been in a car where things are tied down in a red neck type of way. Oh Nattie. You on that small ladder is me all the time.

Aww look at Jon trying to up the romance level. How sweet. Cannot go wrong with Spaghetti and salad. However, it would be even more sweet if Jon would have shut his mouth and just let it be. Also, saying you cooked when you just got take out is not cool. But that is typical.

Daniel, Brie and Birdie are quite possibly the cutest family ever. I swear they are too cute. It is awesome that the Bella Twins are so active on social media because the entire Bella Army gets to see Birdie and growing and we all get to see how incredibly cute she is. However, she looks completely like Daniel. There is no denying that child. At all. Strong genes.

It is really cool that Nikki allows everyone to come to her house. I wonder how John feels about that. He is very strict. There are a lot of people who have always made fun of the fact that John has a lot of rules.

I feel like Rusev doesn’t want to watch Women wrestle because they could get hurt… Well guys could get hurt too. I understand that he is worried about his wife’s safety, but he needs to understand that this is her dream. You should never hinder someone’s dream even if it scares the hell out of you.

Maryse is pretty cool on Total Divas. However, on TV she seems like a total Witch. I do see where Nia see’s how Maryse is taking things a little too far. I also see Maryse point of view as well. Nia just wanted to know if Maryse has been in this type of match before because well maybe she doesn’t know what needs to happen. Maryse feels like Nia is being rude and saying she’s not apart of this revolution or something to that extent. There is always two sides to every story. However, I stand with Alexa as she’s standing there like ‘what just happened?’

I do praise Alexa for trying to fix things. I giggled at Nia’s joke about speaking over Alexa’s head because she’s so short. It made me giggle.

I completely agree that the new Women’s division should be more thankful to the Veterans who paved the way for the revolution.

Well it’s time for the Women’s ladder match. Nattie is nervous. As I think I would have been. I cannot do heights. At all. What really aggravates me is that they come back for maybe 2 to 3 minutes then go right back to a commercial with only 5 minutes left of the show. That is maybe 5 minutes.  Commercials annoy me.

You would think that with such an amazing thing like the first ever womens ladder match, it would have had more time on air than just 2 minutes. I’m just saying.

However, this looks like it is going to be an amazing season. I am looking forward to seeing where everything goes.

#RAW, October 30th, 2017

Well last week smackdown invaded raw….so lets see what they are going to do about it tonight.

Of course we start the show by seeing a clip of what happened last week. Because in only 7 days since it actually happened, us fans completely forgot about everything. Right?

Although, I do give it to Smackdown for attacking Raw last week. It was pretty awesome. But the video clip taking up 4+ minutes of the start of the show….not cool.


Kurt Angle starts the show off….that is after the clip.  And he is interrupted by Stephanie McMahon….. She hasn’t been on Raw in forever. The last time the WWE universe saw her was when she was on Smackdown running down to the ring to check on her dad…. She plays such a bad character….but she does it well.


I mean, has anyone watched any of the clips of her and HHH on youtube? She is just a normal person. She also does so much in regards to charity’s and all kinds of things.

She come out telling Kurt how she has much respect for him….but you can never trust Stephanie…. I mean, she is pretty vicious (her character)

Well….Kurt gets what he’s wanted for awhile.. being back in the ring as a competitor since Stephanie has made him the RAW team captain.  There have been rumors going around for awhile now that he was going to get back in the ring. It is kind of extraordinary since he has broken his neck twice and battled addiction. I applaud him for his battles, overcoming them that is. However, his ‘acting’ when he’s doing the backstage segments is kind of cringe worthy. Like I am watching my mother’s soap opera…. Actually, a lot of the superstars backstage acting is like this.  I mean it could totally be the writers creating scripts that don’t feel natural. That is a very big possibility. I mean look at a lot of the story lines they create where one week two people want to kill each other but the next they’re best friends.  I have been a fan of wrestling for a very long time… it isn’t something new. Although, with each year, the kayfabe has disappeared.

We went to commercial break just so that we could come back to more Stephanie and Kurt?? As Stephanie leaves, the Miztourage shows up… Well… at least Bo Dallas is back. He has been missing some of the shows due to being sick. It was also nice to see Kurt finally snap at Miz. Someone needs too… I know its a show… I know the Miz is just a character and I am pretty sure that Mike is a nice guy. But I just don’t care for his character….. like at all.


Another.. Last Monday on Raw…. before we go to the match between Bayley and Alicia Fox. Bayley is a pretty awesome role model for kids. Alicia Fox on the other hand…. she is a bag full of crazy. Now if you have watched Total Divas at all (New season starting this Wednesday) you would know that Fox is not that crazy. She’s actually pretty awesome.  However, creative likes to make her act this way. And I’m not sure why.  However, she tells Bayley that she doesn’t have the time to participate in a match as well she has captain things to do. But she found a replacement…. Nia Jax..

I am all for Nia Jax. Do not get me wrong. I love how she is not a stick figure… I mean not a lot of normal population are a stick figure. I know I sure as hell am not.  I wish I was. However, I think that they have not provided her with the correct story or push. For instance, they keep announcing her weight every time she comes out. Why? They don’t announce anyone else’s weight. They make her out to be such a big person who isn’t to be messed with. They use her size a lot. I understand that she loves the skin that she is in…. and that is def a quality that I admire. I love women who don’t care about the number on the scale. They’re confident no matter what their dress size… However, I think she has a lot of potential and the WWE creative should use her better.

Speaking of Nia… Is this a new outfit? lots of lace.. I like it. Of course Nia wins, and Alicia chooses her as the 1st pick of Team Raw for the Survivor Series 5 vs 5 women’s division match.


Well well well. what do we have here (yes that was an Enzo reference.) Samoa Joe has made his return. The 3rd return of the night. Joe makes the classic heel speech about how he doesn’t care about the fans and he didn’t miss any of us while he was out with an injury and that he’s going to hurt whoever comes out.

And who takes this challenge??? Apollo Crews… that poor guy. He has such amazing potential and a lot of the time he’s just a jobber to those who are ‘main’ superstars. That is the crappy thing. There are those who get all the opportunities, who are the main cards, who get the big bucks and then there are the ones who always lose to the big cards. And since it is Joe’s first match back… he is of course going to win. There is not much point to watching the match since we can already guess he’s going to win. I am not a big fan of Joe. I don’t know why. I just haven’t seen something that makes me go.. ‘Hey this guy is someone who I like’… I do, however, like Apollo Crews.

I do think that it was funny that during the match while Crews was trying to gain momentum and get the upper hand on Joe, Joe said “Boy sit your ass down” that was funny. Also, Michael Cole… you always say that Joe or someone is putting the locker room on notice… how?

So… Now its time for the Miz to come out… I think the only thing I like about him and his goons (It is nice to see Bo healthy again) is the Miz’s coat… where do I get one? The Miz’a mystery opponent for the title??? None other than Matt Hardy. #DeleteDeleteDelete.  I love me some Hardy Boy’s..However, the blonde part in Matt’s hair is not something I like.  Well I hope Matt doesn’t want any more kids cause he came down on the top rope kind of hard.

Although, I would love for Matt Hardy to win and have a belt… I don’t see The Miz losing his title just yet… Although, I wish he would. But I do know that when he does… we’re going to hear the crybaby come out…just like Kevin Owens… Wah.

How much is Corey Graves paid to only talk amazing things about certain heels? The Miz and Alexa are two of the main I hear him promoting. I mean come on now. It’s Matt Hardy. You could talk about him… maybe just a little, but noooo. Only about the miz… I use to like Graves. Used To.

I do have to give it to the Miz… he is putting up quite a fight for his title. Thankfully, the miztourage hasn’t gotten involved. As I said.. I knew the belt wasn’t going to change hands tonight. However, I do have to say that Matt Hardy did put up such a great match.


Are we seriously going to see what we just saw an hour ago??? Does the WWE people think we are that dumb that we forget things in the mere hour.. I mean we haven’t even seen an hour worth of WWE since there are quite a bit of commercials. Speaking of commercials, why doesn’t Raw have the split screen commercials during matches like Smackdown?

Yay. Asuka! She is one of the decent performers on the roster.  That is if WWE creative books her right. She was dominant in NXT. That doesn’t mean anything since creative has a tendency of bringing up people from NXT just to turn them into jobbers.

Speaking of creative… did they seriously put Asuka against a Jobber? Really? Have they not heard of the hashtag AsukasGonnaHurtYou??? The jobbers never ever have a chance. Like ever. Asuka is so much better than being put against a jobber. Why not bring out one of the females from the back? Or bring up the Mae Young tournament females? This jobber isn’t even giving Asuka anything. Like we’re not seeing her full potential. The potential that made her such a big force in NXT.  Just as fast as it began….it has ended..

Now I do love seeing Daniel Bryan… I do. Uhm Total Bellas/Divas anyone? However, Kurt going ‘Alert everyone they’re here they’re here!’ That was a little too much. I could probably go on all night about how bad Angle over acts. Oh my goodness… Angle’s acting is cringe-worthy…. it is so bad…. just….no!



So now we have Daniel Bryan…. locked in the dark room…. team Hell No! is reunited… not really… but hey. I can wish right.

Well Finn Balor is on tonight’s card!!! that is always exciting. Although I would prefer to listen to him talk…. Well here comes ‘The Bar’…. as long as Cesaro doesn’t talk. I know that is so rude and mean. However, the lisp makes his accent harder to understand and it allows him to be picked on. I do feel bad for what happened. It looked completely painful. That kick that Balor did to Cesaro while Cesaro was on the floor…. looked really bad… well it could have been if Cesaro wasn’t wearing his protective gear. If he wasn’t…. he might have lost his teeth again..

I do have to admit that Cesaro and Balor have such great potential. They both put on amazing matches. I just wish that they were booked better.  If anyone has seen WWE live… you will know it isn’t as fake as it seems. I mean the storylines are fake… the endings are scripted. However, some of the moves… there is no way to not make that hurt. Like Balor jumping down from the top rope with both boots to the chest.. it hurts. I know it has too.

However….that rant over… Balor Won.!!!! I’m not sure where this story is going to go. However, I hope they don’t just end it here. It would be nice for Balor to team up with another ‘demon’ to take on the bar. We need a few good tag teams.

So… I know that Balor lost to Kane last week…. why is Kane coming out now? Should Kane retire soon? I mean he’s been around forever. The announcers are making such a big deal about the pile driver Kane provided to balor. Hello, people. The camera didn’t turn away as fast as they were supposed to… (I guess that guy is going to get chewed out) And if you paid attention… you would see that Balors head was inches away from touching the ramp… and that Kane appeared to have been going easy. If I was watching YouTube on that sin video… that would be a sin. Just saying.

So we’re getting Kane vs Seth Rollins… I am not sure why this match is even happening. I thought the ‘beef’ was between Kane and Strowman.  Why is ‘TheBar’ sitting at ringside? Are they going to attack the shield when the match is over? Which does seem like a possible option, since they want the tag titles back. I never understood why they wore the vest during the matches… I understand what it is supposed to mean for the characters and I know that many fans have complained about Roman Reigns wearing it during his matches because it provides padding… which I honestly do not believe it does since it is literally just a few pieces of flimsy fabric.

I understand that Rollins wants to go to the aide of his team mate and that is why he jumped over the ropes to attack ‘The Bar’ after they attacked Ambrose. However, Sheamus and Cesaro were both looking directly at Rollins and were totally prepared for him to come. They could have easily moved… Well anyway.. Kane won… he went to attack rollins again and Ambrose attacked Kane… he did his little i’m going to lay here for a few and then when you turn away I’ll do the creepy sit up thing. After that…. Cesaro and Sheamus both joined in and helped Kane attack the two members of the shield (Roman is still sick… I wonder which exact virus it was that attacked the locker room.. I heard measles…mumps… meningitis…)

So they’re just now getting Daniel Bryan on a gurney??? I mean that was at least 20 minutes ago…. If I ever get hurt… remind me not to call who ever they’re using.


Okay… are we really going to replay what Stephanie and Kurt said at the beginning of the show again?? It was only 2 hours ago… Are you kidding me… Hello!!! WWE we’re not idiots… WE know what happened… we were watching.

So because there is garbage in The Miz’s room automatically means Strowman is there? Well I would like to see Strowman attack the Miz… I really would… It would be interesting.

Trick or Street fight?



I haven’t seen them use props like Halloween skeletons in a very long time and we have to see the ‘bald headed babies’?? (Gallows and Anderson)… hmmm. They’re really going to waste pie tho. I mean why. wasteful. geez.

Another backstage segment where the Miz tells Kane about the garbage bag incident wanting to know if Strowman is back and if Kane will be there … I don’t know.. to protect him. Because The Miz is scared of Strowman…. So because of this segment… we have to see what happened at the PPV….

So this halloween match… is two tag teams dressed up in halloween costues. This match looks extremely bad. Like jobber bad. And Rhyno is in stockings… uhm… you have more confidence that I do.. Also…why does Michael keep calling it the old Pumpkin trick.. its not a trick… its not old… Its a pretty awful match to watch. The crowd isn’t into it.. I am not into it. It’s pretty bad. Even the announcers are not into it. This is just… so bad. so very bad….


Michael Cole promises that the rest of the night will get better as the night finishes out…as the camera pans to  Elias backstage… That’s not what I call the night getting better… I do not walk with Elias and I do not like his music segments…. at all.  After commercials we come back to the Miz… really? Now he’s trying to get Cesaro and Sheamus on his side. Yeah..No…can Strowman just show up already and attack the Miz… I would love to see it.

Elias and Jason Jordan little segment isn’t even worth noting.  I mean Elias comes out, sings… (ugh) and then Jordan interrupts and a guitar gets broken.. I feel bad for the guitars, I mean geez… Have some respect.

Well it only took 2 and a half hours to see Enzo… That is too long. “Bada Boom Realest Champ in the room!!!!”  Hold up…wait a minute… Did Enzo try to replace Cass with Gulak???? oh hell naw… Captain underpants needs to sit down. No no no it is SAFT… not Soft.. you did it all wrong.. just no. please… no.. I mean I am sitting here hoping that Enzo kicks that guy in the face… At least Kalisto came out to interrupt…. OOOh so it’s not Enzo vs Kalisto.. Its Captain Underpants vs Kalisto. So why is Enzo out there? He has been calling Gulak captain underpants since Enzo arrived on  the 205 Live roster… Enzo’s finisher also another move that you couldn’t make not hurt. I do have to comment that he wears skinny jeans better than I do…just saying.


So next…after the hundredth commercial is the women’s title match.. as the final of the show… Now there are some on the twitter-verse that believe since the title match is the main event that the title will be changing hands…. I honestly hope so. I would like to see just about anyone other than Alexa as champion. However, could we please get rid of the bell bottoms on Mickie James??? They haven’t been in style for a very long time. Of course there would be a commercial right in the middle of the main event even tho we just had a commercial maybe 2 minutes ago…. What is with all of the commercials. Jeez.. Apparently the match is soo boring that they’re chanting CM Punk… uhm.. what… I mean Alexa trying to control the entire match is kind of boring. So a single right hand is what it takes for Alexa to keep her title? Really? I mean come on… you’re making Mickie James look weak

We don’t even get to see Alexa celebrate as the camera show Miz leaving. (He couldn’t leave earlier because of Angle)  So a garbage truck is in front of the Miz’s car… interesting. Like the Miz has been terrified all night and a truck in front of the car doesn’t scare the Miz? I mean not until it starts backing up.  Why did the doors lock and then somehow become unlocked when Strowman shows up. Oh my gawd… Strowman running off the limo was the funniest thing I have seen tonight. Michael Cole talking about get the hell out of here and keeps his head phones on while Graves totally just ditches the headset. Corey Graves is totally me. I wouldn’t have cared about no damn headset. Poor Curtis Axel.. Strowman has done so many running slams on him…



So guys.. If you’re a fan of the WWE… and watched tonight’s RAW… tell me what you thought in the comments.



Grey’s Anatomy: Danger Zone


This is episode 5 of season 14 and it is finally here. We had to wait 2 weeks after Amelia’s brain surgery to see how Megan was kidnapped. As a serious Grey’s fan, that was torture. I mean I watch reruns on Lifetime everyday at 4pm EST. So going two weeks without seeing the Grey Sloan gang is awful.

So tonight is a flashback episode. I think every show has done one. That’s not a bad thing. It allows viewers to see what happened before the characters graced our screens. I actually look forward to flashback episodes because they answer a lot of questions I might have about why the character is the way they are or what happened to them. Therefore, I have waited for TGIT since the last episode.


We begin with Owen discussing breaks and cycles. All while in a war zone. The banter between Teddy and Megan show that they are very close. That is until Megan disappeared.

Amelia pulls Owen out of his flashback as Megan is packing up to leave. Already? That doesn’t seem right. She just got in the picture and now she’s going to be in LA. That seems odd. Riggs is there too? So he’s just done with the show? He showed up in a whirlwind causing all kinds of trouble just to leave. I understand that he decided on Megan, but that’s still a little abrupt.

We see Rigg’s first proposal to Megan. Which is interesting because it was a necklace. I wonder if we get to see what happened to the necklace during this episode. So Megan didn’t get the Stat position that she wanted. But it didn’t seem like it was that important, or emotional. We’ve seen just how much Shonda can pull at our heart strings even with the little things.

Back in the present day, Owen jumps in the car with Megan to go with her to LA. A roadtrip. I wonder if he even bothered to tell Amelia.  I mean they honestly do not have the best communication. Like at all. They make rash decisions without discussing it with each other. Like when Amelia decided she just wanted to live with Stephanie. That’s not a marriage.

Sibling road trip….. I forsee arguments… or at least thats how they would be in my family.


Megan’s son is heartbreaking. You can tell that he had experienced some real trauma.


So we see why Megan and Riggs were arguing. He cheated, the girl left her necklace and then tried to play it off as an engagement necklace. You sir, are an ass. Like serious ass. I am not sure why she forgave you.

At least we are seeing how compassionate Megan is as a doctor.  The Megan, Owen sibling bonding is cute. Until Megan throws all the arguments in Owen’s face. Which is something siblings honestly does. Riggs ignored Megan’s son. You could guess something bad was going to happen. It was just destined. Megan told Riggs he needed his fan. He is a surgeon. How could he not multitask talking on the phone and helping the boy fix his fan. When Riggs showed up, I didn’t like him. Then I started to. Now, I am starting to not like him again. I hope that Megan’s son is okay. If not, Riggs deserves something bad, real bad. I am very disappointed in Riggs.

Also, I have been trolling twitter-verse under the hashtags #TGIT and #GreysAnatomy. A lot of fans our not too thrilled with this episode. I believe one said that they are waiting for the OMG moment.

Finally, Amelia calls. I was wondering if he even told his wife. What do you have there. He didn’t even tell her he was leaving town. They really need to work on their communication. I wonder if they thought about counseling.

Is Riggs really trying to rationalize the reasons the shooter did what he did so that he can justify his mistakes. Are you serious? Dude, you cheated. In the War Zone. You cheated. There’s no justifying that. Ever. Even if you’re not in television world.

So Owen did keep her from promoting. That’s not a very supportive brother. I understand he says he did it because she could have died. But you have to give your siblings a chance. Maybe if she went to that training she wouldn’t have been kidnapped.

I agree with Farouk there are so many choices. I am actually an easy person to please. I literally eat almost the same thing at every fast food joint.

Way to go Teddy. Tell Riggs off. Stand up for her. Tear into him. He deserves it.  You shouldn’t cave Teddy. You need to make him feel bad. I would. I wouldn’t say hey people mess up. No. He just said that he cheated because him and Megan were fighting. That is in no way a valid excuse. At all.


Is Megan really trying to kick Owen out of the car on the side of the highway….Miles away from his home. That’s not cool.


Here I am thinking Riggs is the most vile person that has been a staff member of Grey Sloan and it comes out that Megan cheated first?

That poor woman. The chest tube is coming out. That is painful to get in the first time let alone another time. Megan wants to ride back with her patient. Which of course is against protocol. But Megan tells Owen that Nathan cheated and that’s why.

That poor woman isn’t so poor anymore. She’s the shooter. She’s the reason why Megan got kidnapped. Seriously? That’s not cool. We have 8 minutes left and we are just now seeing how Megan got kidnapped. That’s not cool. I usually love flashback episodes but this one hasn’t lived up to what I am use to from Grey’s. My heart strings were not pulled even in the slightest. They should have been. Megan was kidnapped for 10 years. Tortured. It must have been the worst thing for her to deal with, yet the episode didn’t make me feel anything except a little anger towards Riggs.

I don’t know how I feel about Megan and Riggs just yet. Maybe it is a couple that I got to get use to. That is, if they stay on the show. However, Owen and Amelia need to get their marriage together. Honestly. Owen needs a happy relationship at least once. Amelia deserves a happy life. She lost her dad. Her fiance. Her brother. She had a grapefruit size tumor. She has gone thru enough. And now…. they’re divorcing. Making Owen’s second divorce. Not cool. Maybe now he’ll try to go after Teddy. You know the thing he tried to do before finding out about Amelia’s tumor.


This episode was advertised as finding out what happened. However, we don’t see how exactly Megan was kidnapped. We seen her in the helicopter with the other shooter, the woman, but that’s it. Nothing else. What happened in that helicopter.


A message at the end of the episode shows Owen talking to the fans about Veteran’s homelessness. We get to Kevin McKidd’s real accent. Which I could listen to all day everyday. Just saying. How you doin’ Kevin. 🙂


RAW October 16, 2017 Review

As with most of the WWE shows, we start off with a recap of what happened the week before. Because us fans are that stupid that we forget within one week of what has happened.

So Kurt comes out… and gets interrupted by………THE SHIELD


Not only are they back but they came thru the crowd wearing their vest…. Also, Ambrose got a hair cut. It feels like it was 3 years ago. I cannot believe it has been that long since they broke up in the first place.


On a completely related, but not related note. I hope that the fans keep their hands to themselves. Reigns has stated that fans get handsy and touch places that shouldn’t be touched since he is not consenting. So FANS no touchy!!!

Elias is out in the middle of the ring with Anderson and Gallows. Unfortunately, they’re singing. #IDontWalkWithElias. I really don’t. The whole singing segment only worked with Cena and Rock. It doesn’t work for them. The Bald headed babies (Stolen from my mom) tried to sing too. Not cool.


Luckily for all the fans, Apollo Crews, Titus O’Neil and Jason Jordan interrupted and cleared the ring. I feel like it has been so long since Titus wrestled, its weird to see him in his trunks again.


The match between Jordan, Titus and Apollo vs. Gallows, Anderson and Elias is okay. There’s nothing to spectacular that makes you go OMG. They can’t all be over the top matches. It ended just as fast as it began with Apollo pinning Anderson.


Asuka debuts Sunday at TLC against Emma. I am not quite sure why they have Emma do it. Unless she’s being pushed down to being a jobber. Which is quite possible. Because everyone knows they are going to push Asuka. They haven’t done a vignette for a superstar in a very long time so it has to be a sign that they are going to push her big time. 


Back stage segment with Alexa Bliss…. I am not a fan. I don’t know why. I am just not a fan. So now they’re going to have Alexa Bliss and Emma vs Mickie James and whoever she chooses.


Did Michael Cole really compare Emma to Enzo Amore? Uhm No. I like Enzo. And I know he’s that great of a wrestler and he talks to much. But did you ever think that you can get better at wrestling and they hired him for his talking skills? Well? I think he’s quite funny and entertaining.

Another video showing what we supposedly forgot about the week before…. Because we’re so dense that we forget what we watch in 6 or 7 days time. Only to have them come out, fight or talk about the same exact thing that we seen on the video. hmmm? Maybe I am just being too picky or too harsh. 

Does anyone really watch 205 live? I know I don’t. I spend my Tuesday nights watching Kevin Probably. I, however, do have to represent Cedric Alexander. He is from North Carolina 🙂 My home state. But like I said, they’re having another match with the same people after we just watched a video showing that they just wrestled. So what, is Jack going to win this time? I do like seeing Rich Swan tho. He is one of my favorite on 205 Live. At least he’s here to make sure that Jack doesn’t cheat and to even the odds. That’s nice of him.

So Alexander won again even tho Kendrick tried to cheat for Jack. Also, announcer. It was a singles competition…. Not a tag match. So when you announced that Cedric Alexander and Rich Swan won… you were wrong. Only Cedric will be in the books. Not Swan. He was just down there like any other manager. soo. :/

Unfortunately, we get to see MizTV. You know he’s doing his job well when so many people dislike him. Actually, I have never liked him. Even when he was on the Real World. I am just that picky of a person. I have been watching wrestling since I was a baby. I have always chose who I wanted and backed it up with what I felt. No one can tell you you’re wrong for feeling how you feel.


So Cesaro still has to wear a mouth guard creating a lisp because of Dean and Seth smashing his teeth further into his jaw. That’s both painful and annoying.  The You Look Stupid chants are back louder than ever over Sheamus mohawk. I don’t want to be mean because I had a speech impediment growing up. But Cesaro’s lisp sounds funny. The guest tonight on MizTv is Braun Strowman…. I honestly think he could use more mic training. I kind of just want to turn the channel. I am just mean tonight.

Hey Miz. They are not nostalgia if it’s just 3 years since they were together. The DX is nostalgia. Lex Luger and Sting as a tag team was nostalgic. Shield getting back together after just 3 years is not nostalgic. That was just a break. Thank you Kurt for telling Miz to shut up. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Miz talks too much.  Good job Kurt. So if Strowman wins tonight the PPV will be 5 vs 3 but if he loses tonight it will be 3 vs 3. Hahaha. I wonder what is going to happen.

I think Kurt is one of the smartest GM’s. Banning everyone not apart of the match’s from ringside. Smart. If not, there would be a lot of cheating from Miz’s side of things. As per usual.

This whole Bray Wyatt thing is stupid. Like Raw come one. You could have simply brought Nikki Cross up from NXT to play Abigail. It wouldn’t be the first time that the creative has made someone from NXT change characters. But of course Finn is going to give a Demonic message. He’s the Demon King. This whole thing between Balor and Wyatt is getting a little old. I think that Balor needs a bigger better push. Then again, I’m #BalorClub.


Oh wow. Alicia Fox is in another match. Shocker. she hasn’t been in many story lines since she was just the girlfriend on 205 Live. But I already see her losing to Sasha Banks. I liked her on Total Divas but her persona on Raw is too much. She sounds annoying.  Surprisingly enough Alicia got Sasha covered. However, it looked like the ref was counting slow. hmm? Alicia taps again. Two weeks in the row. She made an excuse for last weeks  tapping out. I wonder what tonight’s excuse is going to be?


So Fox attacks Sasha backstage right after Sasha calls her crazy.. I do have to say Alicia’s kicks are weak as crap. And pushing a ref? Oh Alicia Don’t you know that’s a fine.

Yay It’s Enzo. Dear creative team. Can you please allow him to have a better promo then the one time he had to read off insults to all of the 205 Roster? Cause those insults were weak and not his best work. By the way Corey Graves. Enzo has a lot of fans. he doesn’t need you. I enjoy Enzo Amore. However, I think it is amazing that Kalisto got his turn to be a champ. Enzo calling Kurt a corrupt GM yet he is the one who ran his mouth and got the match moved up from the PPV to last Monday and didn’t stop running his mouth so it got turned into a lumber jack match. So. Cry me a river. 


So Enzo got quite a few of the cruiserweights to attack Kalisto after talking about how he got money and it’s not dirty money…. So he paid them off? If Enzo removes Kalisto’s mask, I will lose all respect. You do not touch a luchador’s mask…ever. That is the biggest sign of disrespect there is. Thank goodness Mustafa Ali came out to help Kalisto. But that didn’t last long. We can definitely tell that that Enzo is a heel. There is no question about it. #HowYouDoin


Yay its Tag team action. I honestly hope that they let Dean and Seth keep their titles. I also think it is great that they changed Seths music awhile ago. The Burn it Down is different. Just what he needs to show he is a different person.  Poor Cesaro. Having to be reminded of his teeth being shoved 5mm into his gum.


It is so weird to see Seth and Dean wrestling in their old Shield gear. I mean it’s nice to see them back together. But I think I am going to miss Dean’s jeans and tank, being the crazy boy. I used to be a very big Cesaro fan. Even when he first got with Sheamus. However, I have slowly started to not. Just not. I don’t know. I haven’t even seen the Cesaro swing in so long. It’s kind of sad. I miss it. This is quite the interesting match.  They are two very strong, very capable tag teams. I wonder if the shield will get new gear. I mean since they are new shield and not the old shield. I mean they are back

I don’t know if it is me or if Dean isn’t as crazy as he usually is. It looks as if he’s second guessing things. Like not on full speed. The whole match looks like they’re not at their biggest potential. I don’t know. It feels like the match is full of missed potential. At least Dean and Seth are still the tag team champs. Thats the best thing.


Now it’s time for Finn Balor to cut his promo to Bray Wyatt and his so called Sister Abigail. I will say again. I think they would have done better by bringing someone from NXT up to be Sister Abigail. It would’ve been a better message if Finn came out as the Demon King. Just saying. Either way. I cannot wait to hear Finn talk. I love listening to his accent.


Well nice job production crew. Creating the new demon paint over fin’s face for the viewers at home. Even tho I am pretty sure the people there cannot see it. It’s nice for us. Just saying. I do, however, wish that they would end this Balor Wyatt feud. I have grown quite tired of it. We know he’s a demon and Wyatts a weirdo. but do you have to keep having the same feud over and over and over and over. I mean if you don’t have anyone new  for Balor to feud against, bring someone up from NXT. Just saying.


Twitter update: WWE posted that Alicia Fox was fined an undisclosed amount for pushing the ref. Well Duh. I thought everyone knew that you could not lay your hands on a ref. That’s common knowledge.

So now we’re going to have Emma and Alexa Bliss versus Mickie James and whoever she chose. By the way, I have grown very tired of Emma thinking she started the women’s revolution. I think not. Sit down sweetheart. I would laugh if she chose Asuka for her tag. But she’s not supposed to debut til Sunday so… Hmmm. She chose Bailey. This should be an interesting tag match.  With an interesting match with both sides holding their own, Mickie James covers Alexa Bliss for the 1…2….3… VICTORY.


Before commercial break we see Curtis Axel heading towards the Shield. Considering how loud he was huffing and puffing.. There is No way that the shield didn’t hear him coming.

Another backstage segment with Miz, the Bar and Strowman…. Kind of funny. Only Kind of.


So looking at Finn Balor’s new make up got me thinking… It looks like WCW’s Halloween Havoc. I mean they’re bringing back two WCW things already.

Miz screaming who did this when he was already told that he went looking for the Shield. I mean really?


It is time for the final match of the night. A steel cage match between Braun Strowman and Roman Reigns. Everyone is supposedly banned from the ring. Let’s see how well this actually works.

The Miz telling Renee young that Curtis Axel was never his 5th man just gives room for the rumors that the 5th man could be Samoa Joe.


So when Reigns comes out by himself, he comes down the ramp. However, when he comes out with the Shield he comes through the crowd. After hearing the interview that Reigns gave, I wouldn’t come down thru the crowd by myself either. Fans can be very grabby.  I bet Strowman isn’t mad that he’s still in a feud with Reigns. In an interview he gave, he couldn’t praise Reigns enough. He talked more about Reigns than he did himself.


Although everyone was banned from ringside the Miz decided to sit at the top of the ramp on commentary. Stating that we all need to hear his voice. I promise you we do not need to hear what you have to say.

So the Let’s go Cena/ Cena Sucks chants have now changed to Lets go Roman/ Roman sucks. interesting. Reigns needs the chants at the moment as Strowman throws him around like a rag doll. I think creative is going to let Strowman win so that Joe could have a reason to come back. The rumor has it that he’s coming back. Sheamus and Cesaro show up as Roman are climbing up the side of the cage. The Bar decide to climb up the cage towards Reigns when the remainder of the Shield decides to come out to help.


With all of this distraction going on, Strowman had the opportunity to get up and grab a hold of Roman suplexing him from the top of the cage. The HolyShit chants start. Because honestly that was pretty epic.

Unfortunately, the camera went off the main match and is following the other parts of the teams into the backstage area. Where is Kurt in all of this. He claimed that no one was to be at ringside and no one listened.  However, Miz did lock them outside.Might be the only good thing the Miz has ever done.

To be such a big guy, Strowman can really move. He climbs the side of the cage faster than I ever could.  It is kind of cool how the whole crowd does the OOOH AAAAH with Roman. But it does give the opponent the heads up to what’s coming. Roman only ever goes OOOOH AAAH when he’s going to do the arm thing.

Kane’s music….. really… That is interesting. Holy Shit. Kane is back. He’s coming for Reigns. He came thru the ring. It is extremely creepy when he does that. But I mean how is that possible? Like wouldn’t that be a soft spot for all the other matches? is it a trap door? How did we not catch up on it before? Did the people at the arena see Kane crawling under the ring during commercial break? So many questions run thru my head.  So if Kane’s back.. does that mean his campaign failed???


With the assist from Kane, Strowman won. And I was wrong. Joe isn’t the 5th member. It is Kane. Interesting. I thought Kane was going to retire soon.

Grey’s Anatomy: Ain’t that a kick in the head October 12, 2017

Amelia shaving her hair is a sad moment.  I cannot help but thinking about Once upon a time when Amelia’s doctor. Hades is going to perform surgery on Amelia.


I love how Amelia has the entire surgical team do the superwoman pose with her. The whole beginning of this episode makes you want to cry.

Oh no, not new interns. Fabulous, the first intern interviewee is talking to himself. I am glad that Webber and Bailey passed on him.  I love that April is in the chapel praying that she doesn’t have to unplug Amelia.

Is it safe for Hades to be singing while performing surgery??? Thank goodness Amelia woke up. Oh no, shes talking inside her head. I’m getting big Derek flashbacks. How do they expect her to talk if she has a tube down her throat?? They cannot let another Shepherd die. However, love how Meredith is really there for her sister.

The second interviewee for the intern job provided a little too much information. I almost forgot that Harper Avery passed on the last episode.  Catherine Avery is back again. Jackson and Catherine get back from the funeral of Harper Avery.


I still cannot believe the glances that Avery and Pierce pass between each other. They are technically step siblings. (I heard that they’re going to talk about the step sibling thing. Just waiting to see when.) Meredith has to ask Jackson if it’s okay to take his name off of Megan Hunt’s surgery so that she could be considered for a Harper Avery award.

Deluca is working with Amelia. Performing the routine that Amelia requires after brain surgery so that they recover faster. Hades doesn’t like that, at all. However, Deluca stands his ground and get Amelia to the chair.

Meredith and Megan talk about Riggs. It’s funny how Meredith is stuck in another triangle.

I love how Amelia is so adamant on not taking any drugs considering she’s a recovering addict. Webber completely understands. But if it could help her recover, shouldn’t she take them? I understand that she could slip back into old habits. However, if she has a good support team couldn’t they give her something like tylenol?

Post Op day 2. They’re all talking about Amelia and what the tumor has caused like leaving her life in LA. Amelia started talking. Yay! Except it’s in French. Interesting.

Grey Sloan doesn’t need to have an Instagram ‘star’. Sorry lady. Not in this hospital. Aww Ben is sleeping in the hospital.

“You can’t help him if you’re dead” -Meredith Grey. Which is very true. Megan desperately wants to get back to her son but she has an infection. With transplants the risk of rejection is quite high.

I do enjoy the friendship between April and Arizona. I also feel bad that April moved out of Jackson’s house because the way they were living was painful to her.


“Would you keep it down”. Amelia finally speaks English. Thank goodness. Thank you Shonda for not killing Amelia. Oh no… She forgot that Derek died. This is going to bring up an all new kind of hurt. Really Shonda. I just thanked you for allowing her to live but you make her forget about Derek’s death. You are a cruel cruel woman.

“You will be a surgeon again.” And I think the fans have rejoiced.  Is Riggs really trying to get Megan’s son for a fake clinical trial? Smart! I think that this grand gesture is so sweet.


These intern interviews are something else. If you cannot touch your eyeball with your finger how are you going to touch all of the ooey gooey stuff inside the human body.

This is going to be awkward. Catherine, Webber, Jackson and Maggie having dinner together. The small talk is painful to watch. Do not put wine in Maggies mouth, bad things could happen. A quarter of a billion dollars….. wow!!! Jaw meet floor. How do you not want a quarter of a billion dollars???

Uhm Maggie….he already bought a hospital…. And please, you’re talking too much. This is the problem with drinking too much wine.


“Do you know who the President is?” “I wish I didn’t”  Amelia is BACK!

Oh no. Wilson can’t be apart of the paper being submitted for the Harper Avery award. I am not looking forward to her psycho husband. And the fact that its the nice guy from Glee.

Here’s the hint of Ben leaving the show for the spin off show. That’s gonna be interesting.


Meredith trying to help Riggs get the kid to Megan is amazing.  Sometimes you forget how bad ass Meredith is. I cannot believe Riggs pulled it off.


“I don’t want you to ruin my work” Way to go Meredith and Riggs. Ya’ll made a mom happy. Owen finally gets to meet his nephew. This is such a heartwarming scene.

Was Meredith looking up like looking up to Derek? Why Shonda? Why do you have to keep mentioning Derek? That’s just torture.


Thank you Catherine for bringing up the fact that they’re step siblings. Finally! Someone said it.  I like jealous Richard.

Its cute but sad that Amelia is trying to let Owen go. Owen is such a good guy. Even though he did kiss Teddy.  Which is bringing Christina memories up from when he cheated on her.

I love any episode that has Harriet. Sofia’s coming home. Yay! Now if we could only get a Torres appearance.


Amelia’s going home. Maybe there’s hope for them yet. And now we seriously have to wait 2 weeks before Grey’s is back. That is so unfair

Total Bellas October 11, 2017

Helga? Really Bryan? Burrito Joe? Wow they’re coming up with some awful names. It makes me feel better about settling on Birdie Joe

I wanna go to Mattel headquarters. Those dolls are completely adorable. I actually saw them at Toys R Us a couple of weeks ago. I thought about buying them for my daughter.  I don’t want Nikki to retire.

Vivian is completely adorable. Drinken? I don’t think that it is a word. Hey. Bryan got the 23 and me tests. I done that test myself. It was pretty awesome. I found out that I am mostly British and Irish. By the way Brie, Vikings are mostly Scandinavians.

JJ is hilarious. Getting followers is not very easy dude. I do think that they are a little harsh on JJ. But that’s what happens when you’re the little sibling.


John and Nikki are so dirty. They’re also completely adorable and funny. John makes some valued points about why Nikki should retire. However, my personal opinion is I need more Nikki. I am so proud of the Bella’s for the wine launch but it is so expensive.

I would lose that bet in a heartbeat. By the way JJ, post after post after post will not get you more followers. It will actually turn people off. Really JJ?  The water hair flip? That is actually a funny idea. JJ mimicking Nikki. I do not need to see JJ’s white butt and thighs. And he really pulled that up his butt. #BetterThanNikki…. I think not.

Bryan is seriously the slowest envelope opener ever. Hey Brie, You’re more British and Irish just like me. Jewish? I love how Brie says that they’re the typical Mutt. I think we’re all mutts.

I agree with Brie. It is very interesting when you find out what your DNA is. I loved getting my results back.  However, when Brie was braiding the bread, I thought that she over kneaded the dough when she was braiding it.

JJ got his chest waxed. Bryan was recording it, which is something that I would totally do. However, women get waxed all the time. Bikini waxes. I feel like JJ does not have a very good pain tolerance. With the sympathy labor he screamed and it looked like it took a lot of power not to scream with the wax.

Brie is totally on a path to exploring all of her heritage. However, it doesn’t seem like she is exploring Bryan’s heritage. Which is half of Birdies DNA.

JJ is at Smackdown live with Nikki. While she is taking apart of the segment JJ decides to  take advantage of the superstars. JJ is taking photos with WWE Superstars for his instagram challenge. It is funny that Johnny is there witnessing it all. This family is the cutest group of individuals I have ever seen on reality TV.

I agree with Lauren about JJ not doing this bet for a reason. He’s just doing it because it was a bet. JJ says that his family having opinions pisses him off. Well everyone has opinions. Literally everyone walking on this Earth has an opinion about something. If opinions pisses JJ off from his family, the ones he’s supposed to care about what they think, then does everyone piss him off?

I love how Nikki talks about what she thinks JJ should be doing for his wife. I feel that Nikki is just looking out for her brother and his family.

Finally, Brie is celebrating Bryan’s heritage. It is so cute. Brie and Bryan are relationship goals. They are too adorable. Bryan said that he wants Birdie to check other and write we are all one. That is too cute and a statement I feel we need right about now.

I had completely forgot about Breezy Bella. I do remember when Nikki speared Breezy and her head look like it was in the wrong place for a spear.


I love how John made her go get her neck looked at. He cares about herr so muh. I know there are some people who say that he is only with her for publicity or vice versa. But if you are a Bella fan, you totally know that they love each other.


The preview for next weeks Total Bella’s looks like it is going to be a sad one.  I will see you then.